US and UN Intervention in Haiti

28 Days of Black Liberation 2025 series

Since ousting their French oppressors and achieving independence in 1804, the Haitian people have remained under constant threat of imperialist intervention from the international bourgeois order. From the initial neocolonial robbery in the form of the billions of dollars extracted from Haiti to pay their “debt” to the French for their independence, through the US military occupation of 1915-1934 instigated by what is now CitiBank, and up to two different coups of Jean-Betrand Aristide’s democratically elected governments, Haitian sovereignty remains a direct threat to the US/Western imperialist order.

Now, the people of Haiti are faced with a new iteration of imperialist violence in the form of the UN/US-led “Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS).” This “security mission,” framed as a response to the violence committed by paramilitary death squads like the “G9 alliance” (armed and supported by the same imperialists advocating for new intervention) concentrated in Port-Au-Prince, is in reality a thinly-veiled attempt by the CORE group (the US, European Union, Canada, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, and the Organization of American States) to use Kenyan police forces to maintain their rule of Haiti by suppressing the Haitian masses and their demands for real sovereignty.

Last years uprisings in Kenya made things clear, President William Ruto would rather fall in line with imperialism than meet the needs and demands of his own people. The Kenyan police forces deployed in Haiti at the behest of the CORE group are the same forces Ruto used to suppress the 2024 uprisings against a proposed finance bill that would saddle the poorest Kenyans will the fallout of the nation’s debt (itself a product of internal corruption and neocolonial violence through the IMF). #RutoMustGo has since become a rallying cry against not just Ruto and his repressive, necolonial regime, but a call to action against imperialism and neocolonialism throughout the world. The enemy of both the Kenyan people and the Haitian people is one and the same: Western Imperialism.

Despite its widespread unpopularity, the MSS has already been implemented in Haiti. With the dissolution of Ariel Henry’s regime, fraudulent in its own right, the CORE group and CARICOM set the terms for whichever puppet regime they chose to take Henry’s place: the only way to power was to agree to US/UN intervention. As of this month, between 800-1000 Kenyan police agents have been deployed on Haitian soil. In Haiti, organizations like MOLEGHAF and other peasants, workers, and mass organizations on the ground continue to strike against intervention, while organizations such as Rasanbleman Pou Ayiti, the Black Alliance for Peace, and the All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) organize in solidarity with the Haitian people in the imperial core.

The call to all principled anti-imperialists is to reject intervention and struggle against imperialist anywhere and everywhere: No to Imperialism! Yes to Haitian Sovereignty! HANDS OFF HAITI!

