US and UN Intervention in Haiti
28 Days of Black Liberation 2025 series Since ousting their French oppressors and achieving independence in 1804, the Haitian people have remained under constant threat of imperialist intervention from the international bourgeois order. From the initial neocolonial robbery in the form of the billions of dollars extracted from Haiti to…
Palestinian Youth Movement targets genocide profiteers in arms embargo campaign
August 1st marked 300 days of the escalated genocide against Palestinians in Gaza perpetrated by the Zionist entity known as “Israel.” In that time, close to 200,000 Palestinians have been killed by weapons provided by the U.S. and other western imperialist entities, as well as famine and medical crises manufactured…
Cuba and Palestine
Same Enemy, Same Struggle In October 2024 while the United States proxy, Israel, was carrying out another massacre in Jabalia the electrical grid in Cuba went off-line plunging the entire country into darkness. What do the two seemingly disparate events have to do with each other? They come from the…
Building the 2025 Michigan delegation to Cuba
Nine organizers from the state of Michigan attended the 2023 National Network on Cuba’s 16th annual May Day Brigade. We didn’t know Michigan had one of the greatest state representations until we were in the country, so when we returned, we created an organization — Michigan Action for Cuba Committee…
International Cancel RIMPAC Campaign convenes, mobilizes in the streets of San Diego
The Cancel RIMPAC Campaign conducted a summit and mobilized people to the streets of San Diego June 28-30 and GDC was in attendance! RIMPAC, or Rim of the Pacific exercise, are the largest maritime warfare exercises led by the US military, with 26 countries participating in weapons testing, military training,…
Cuban Workers, Internationalism, and the Celebration of International May Day
Part of GDC’s International May Day 2024 Campaign Viva la Revolución! When millions of Cuban workers shout these words during today’s May Day celebrations they honor Fidel Castro’s legacy and the 1959 revolution. They also honor the living revolution in Cuba: an ongoing socialist project led by working people everyday.…
The Brazilian Landless Workers/Peasants Movement
Part of GDC’s International May Day 2024 Campaign The Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, the Landless Workers Movement in English, grew out of the popular peasant response to the military dictatorship installed in Brazil in 1964. This dictatorship, installed by a US-backed coup of the elected João Goulart administration,…
Haitian Resistance to US Imperialism & Colonialism, MOLEGHAF
Part of GDC’s International May Day 2024 Campaign In Haiti, May 1st is known as Agriculture & Labor Day and celebrates Haitian farmers, the Haitian natural environment, and Haitian cultural traditions. This celebration honors the Haitian labor struggle as a struggle for the liberation from the violence of colonialism &…
The American Indian Movement and Indigenous Internationalism
Part of GDC’s International May Day 2024 Campaign The American Indian Movement (AIM) is a revolutionary grassroots Indigenous organization founded in Minneapolis in 1968 by Lakota, Dakota, and Anishinaabe people that fought for the sovereignty and liberation of Indigenous people. AIM’s militant, anticolonial class conscious movement formed out of Indigenous…
1973 Arab UAW workers strike
Part of GDC’s International May Day 2024 Campaign On November 29, 1973 nearly 2000 Arab workers (and some Black workers) at Dodge Main (Chrysler’s Hamtramck factory) went on strike as a political stance against the UAW bureaucracy’s support of Israel. The strike was organized by the Arab Workers Caucus. At…