Setting the Stage for Revolt: The Context of the Long Attica Revolt
28 Days of Black Liberation 2025 series Orisanmi Burton refers to prison as war. And prisons were only one facet of the ongoing war during this period. The Long Attica Revolt took place against a backdrop of international anti-colonial struggle across Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia. In the…
Exploring the Long Attica Revolt
28 Days of Black Liberation 2025 series For the final week of our 28 Days of Black Liberation program we will be looking at the Long Attica Revolt and the role of prisoners in the Black Liberation Struggle using Orisanmi Burton’s book Tip of the Spear. During spring of 2024…
GDC’s Abolition Work: 2024 in Review
This article aims to highlight some key moments, movements, battles, and organizing the GDC Abolitionist WG has been engaged and involved in, often alongside and in coalition with others.
Position paper by the GDC Abolitionist Working Group. In the United States the Black Liberation struggle has been central to nearly every potentially mass insurrectional / moment of revolutionary potential in its history.
Abolitionist solutions to mental health crises
On June 18, 2024, Wayne police showed up at the home of John Zook Jr. and shot him six times after he called 911 in the midst of a mental health crisis. Zook’s murder throws into sharp relief what many Americans already know to be true: that our system’s response…
Pull Over Prevention: What and Why?
Pull Over Prevention is a free bulb replacement and safety check to avoid police harassment. POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ABOLISH THE POLICE! HOUSING FOR ALL! END U.S. IMPERIALISM! END THE BLOCKADE ON CUBA! FREE PALESTINE! Lansing: First Sunday of every month 12-4 p.m. at The Village, 3525 S Martin Luther…
Southwest Detroit Latinx Community Struggles Against Police Repression
Southwest Detroit, a largely Latinx community, also known as ‘Mexicantown’, held its yearly Cinco de Mayo parade. This parade is one which all of Southwest looks forward to, with its low-riders, dancers, and many Latinx heritage organizations represented. Many were out at the parade, enjoying the food trucks, drinks, and…
Wayne demands from City Council: Release the body camera footage, Release the cop’s name
On August 5, 2024, dozens gathered for the Wayne City Council meeting to demand justice for John Zook Jr., a Wayne resident who was killed by police after calling 911 for help during a mental health crisis. Though true justice would entail Johnny never having been a victim of the…
Remembering Johnny and Why We Struggle for a Society Without Police + Prisons
772 people have been killed in the U.S by police so far this year alone. And those are only the people we know of. 16 people have been killed in Michigan by the police so far this year alone. And those are only the people we know of. People in…
Shut it down, free them all!
On Mother’s Day 2024, the GDC Abolition Working Group held a demonstration outside of the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility in solidarity with all of the Moms separated from their loved ones at the hands of the carceral system. In part, the group organized the event in order to show…