28 Days of Black Liberation
The GDC celebrates the Black liberation struggle and draws inspiration and lessons from its proud history in our struggle for the new world we are fighting for. In February as we celebrate Black revolutionary culture, political prisoners, international figures and struggles, and moments in direct action that guide us in our continued, collective fight for liberation!
Omar Victor Diop
Day 8 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series OMAR DIOP is a Senegalese photographer whose work honors Black culture and the history of resistance. His first career was in finance, but after picking up street photography as a side hobby, he rediscovered his love of art and…
Sojourners for Truth and Justice
Day 7 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series The Sojourner’s for Truth and Justice were led by fourteen radical organizers such as Communist Party leader Louise Thompson Patters, W.E.B Du Bois’ wife Shirley Graham Du Bois, and California Eagle editor Charlotta Bass. Many of the Sojourners were part…
Paul Robeson
Day 6 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Born in 1898 in New Jersey; son of an escaped Igbo slave, Reverend William Robeson and Quaker Schoolteacher of mixed ancestry, Maria Bustill, Paul Robeson was an acclaimed college athlete, world renown performer of theater/film, political activist, and victim…
Ngugi wa Thiong’o
Day 5 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Black intellectual tradition has given so much to the rest of the world … but this is often invisible”. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is a revolutionary Kenyan novelist and was once a political prisoner in Kenya. He is known for writing…
Jayne Cortez
Day 4 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Amilcar Cabral once said about black/african culture & the poet: “The universal value of African culture is now an incontestable fact; nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that African [hu]man whose hands, as the poet said, ‘placed the stones of…
Berbice Rebellion
Day 3 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Day 3 brings us to what is now called Guyana on February 27th 1763, when those enslaved at Plantation Magdalenenberg rose up and killed their white plantation overseer. The rebellion spread throughout the Berbice river basin where Coffy, an…
The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Day 2 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series African unity was only possible with national liberation. The battle of Cuito Cuanavale was a critical turning point in the struggle for African liberation and against apartheid. From November 1987 to March 1988, the racist white South African armed…
The Haitian Revolution
Day 1 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series It is appropriate that our first day of “28 Days of Black liberation” highlights the Haitian Revolution. Mumia Abu Jamal wrote of Haiti: It was a sweaty, steaming night in August, when a group of African captives gathered in…
Republic of New Afrika
Day 28 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2023 series The Republic of New Afrika was founded in 1968 in Detroit by black nationalist and revolutionary organizations. The RNA embodied both a concept and an organization. RNA members and the idea of New Afrika have shaped a variety of…
uMkhonto we Sizwe
Day 27 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2023 series uMkhonto we Sizwe, or “MK”, was the paramilitary wing of the African National Congress (ANC) which fought against the apartheid government of South Africa. It was launched on 16th December 1961. uMkhonto we Sizwe translates to “Spear of the…