Same Enemy, Same Struggle
In October 2024 while the United States proxy, Israel, was carrying out another massacre in Jabalia the electrical grid in Cuba went off-line plunging the entire country into darkness. What do the two seemingly disparate events have to do with each other? They come from the same genocidal plans of U.S. imperialism.
Since the implantation of the zionist entity on Palestinian lands in 1948, a continuous war of extermination against Palestine has been taking place. Using all methods at the empire’s disposal; military force, “legal” rulings, blockades, economic war, propaganda campaigns, assassinations, land theft, cultural suppression, and dispossession to name just a few. Just as this extermination campaign has taken place PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE to this plan has also been uninterrupted. They are an undefeated people using every means at their disposal to be free and to remain on their land. This is an example of liberation and humanity to the world and is rightly seen as such.
Cuba, who kicked the US puppet Batista regime out in the Revolution of 1959, like Palestine reclaimed their right to be free on their own land. They have also been subjected to 65 years of uninterrupted military attacks, “legal” rulings, blockades, genocidal economic war, propaganda campaigns, assassinations, land theft, cultural suppression, and dispossession. Guantanamo Bay is still land occupied by the United States and is currently being used as a torture center where many Arab and Muslim men are held captive. There is in place a brutal economic blockade whose sole purpose, by the empire’s own admission, is to create such suffering and starvation that the people rebel against their revolutionary government. The crippling economic situation and the blackouts are a direct result of this blockade.
CUBAN RESISTANCE to this plan has also been uninterrupted. They are an undefeated people using every means at their disposal to be free and on their land. This is also an example of liberation and humanity to the world and is rightly seen as such.

We act in solidarity with all the means at hand with Cuba and Palestine, examples to the world. We, in the belly of the beast, have a duty to fight as Cabral tells us:
“There are two alternatives: either we admit that there really is a struggle against imperialism which interests everybody, or we deny it. If, as would seem from all the evidence, imperialism exists and is trying simultaneously to dominate the working class in all the advanced countries and smother the national liberation movements in all the underdeveloped countries, then there is only one enemy against whom we are fighting. If we are fighting together, then I think the main aspect of our solidarity is extremely simple: it is to fight.”
Originally published in: