Fight to Win street paper
Articles published in GDC’s street paper
Southwest Detroit Latinx Community Struggles Against Police Repression
Southwest Detroit, a largely Latinx community, also known as ‘Mexicantown’, held its yearly Cinco de Mayo parade. This parade is one which all of Southwest looks forward to, with its low-riders, dancers, and many Latinx heritage organizations represented. Many were out at the parade, enjoying the food trucks, drinks, and…
Wayne demands from City Council: Release the body camera footage, Release the cop’s name
On August 5, 2024, dozens gathered for the Wayne City Council meeting to demand justice for John Zook Jr., a Wayne resident who was killed by police after calling 911 for help during a mental health crisis. Though true justice would entail Johnny never having been a victim of the…
Remembering Johnny and Why We Struggle for a Society Without Police + Prisons
772 people have been killed in the U.S by police so far this year alone. And those are only the people we know of. 16 people have been killed in Michigan by the police so far this year alone. And those are only the people we know of. People in…
Shut it down, free them all!
On Mother’s Day 2024, the GDC Abolition Working Group held a demonstration outside of the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility in solidarity with all of the Moms separated from their loved ones at the hands of the carceral system. In part, the group organized the event in order to show…
Free Krystal Campaign escalates to Gov. Whitmer’s house and MDOC office
On July 31st 2024, GDC’s Abolition Working Group once again rallied supporters and family of Krystal Clark, this time in Lansing. First we chanted and spoke in the view of all those working in the offices of the Michigan Department of Corrections and the Parole Board, and handed out information…
En lugar de alojar a nuestros vecinos, la ciudad de Lansing utiliza viviendas vacías para entrenamientos del SWAT
El 12 de marzo en Lansing, Mich. los departamentos de policía local convirtieron dos casas vacías en South Hayford Avenue en un campo de entrenamiento para SWAT. Lo hicieron sin avisar con antelación a los residentes y, en su lugar, el día del entrenamiento fueron descuidadamente a llamar a algunas…
Instead of housing our neighbors, the City of Lansing uses vacant homes for SWAT training
On March 12 in Lansing, Michigan, local police departments turned two vacant houses on South Hayford Avenue into a SWAT training playground. They did this with no advanced notice to residents and instead went lazily knocking on a few surrounding doors on the day of the training. Neighbors were subjected…
Resistamos el genocidio en Gaza: ¡por todos los medios necesarios!
Demandas de Palestinian Youth Movement Desde 2007, Gaza es una prisión al aire libre. Israel ha impuesto un bloqueo ilegal por tierra, aire y mar a Gaza: un asedio que ha tenido impactos devastadores en los 2,3 millones de palestinos que viven dentro del territorio bloqueado. El ejército israelí lanza…
Lansing GDC ejecuta un programa mensual de prevención de paradas policiales
El Comité de Defensa General de Lansing lanzó una Pull Over Prevention, una clínica de reparación de carros mensual para ayudar a lxs conductores a evitar interacciones con la policía. El programa gratuito está organizado por voluntarixs de la comunidad que ayudan a los participantes a reparar luces delanteras, luces…
Apoyo a Krystal Clark
Krystal Clark está encarcelada en el Centro Correccional para Mujeres de Huron Valley en Ypsilanti, MI. Del sitio web se lee: “Krystal Clark es una madre de cuatro hijos de 39 años, amiga devota y miembra solidaria de la comunidad”. Ha estado encarcelada durante los últimos 13 años y…