Debemos ser más pacientes, más generosos, más tolerantes, más solidarios, ayudar y alentar el uno al otro; y menos suspicaces, menos envidiosos, y menos contenciosos, si hemos de educar y dejar una huella en el pueblo con nuestro…
The General Defense Committee is committed to creating an organization of working and oppressed Peoples that is built for the task at hand. In this project it is helpful to have a general Code of Conduct. As a…
La clase capitalista de los jefes y patrones, financieros, dueños inmobiliarios y sus policías libran una guerra violenta e implacable contra la clase obrera y trabajadora. El objetivo del Comité de Defensa General de Washtenaw (Washtenaw GDC, por…
Ypsilanti Solidarity Hall Open hours: every Sunday 12-3pm 169 N Washington St, Ypsilanti, MI Lansing Open hours: every Saturday 2-4pm 1607 E Kalamazoo St, Lansing, MI Detroit Grace in Action Open hours: every Saturday 12-2pm 1725 Lawndale St,…
We need to be more patient, more kindly, more tolerant, more sympathetic, helpful, and encouraging to one another, and less suspicious, less envious, and less contentious, if we are to educate and impress the people by our example…
On the importance of militant organizing Where we find ourselves The U.S. imperialist project is in crisis. In the face of its decreasing economic dominance, the US military is doubling down on its use of force. The US…
The capitalist class of bosses, financiers, landlords, and their cops wage relentless and violent class war upon the working class. The goal of the Defense Committees is to defend and support all working class and oppressed peoples, divided…
Bonus Day 29 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series “When the New Afrikan ghettos rose in rebellion, Malcolm X was the only major figure whose leadership was actually acknowledged by the people in the streets.…
Day 28 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Martin Sostre was a revolutionary and a progenitor of Black Anarchism whose versatile politics transformed incarcerated organizing and laid the foundation for Black Autonomy. Born in Harlem…
Day 27 of the 28 Days of Black Liberation 2024 series Andrée Blouin was born on December 16th, 1921, in the French Colony of Ubangi-Shari, today known as the Central African Republic. Due to the French colonial policies…