protest against BAE systems with banner "this factory arms genocide"

Challenge the War Machine

On the importance of militant organizing

Where we find ourselves

The U.S. imperialist project is in crisis. In the face of its decreasing economic dominance, the US military is doubling down on its use of force. The US and the entire Atlantic Alliance have shown how readily they will gather their military strength to support Israel’s genocide, and to protect their own capitalist interests. 

Along with sending billions in weapons to Israel the U.S. has bombed Yemen, Iraq, Somalia and Syria just in the past few months. There is yet another looming military intervention in Haiti and a criminal blockade in Cuba. The numerous starvation sanction regimes are themselves an act of war and a cause of mass suffering around the world. The struggle for self determination of Haiti is directly tied to the struggle of self determination in Palestine and for the self determination of black and brown and working class folks here in the U.S. The growing military and police state, austerity measures and the total lack of social support for people in the U.S. is heightening the contradictions between the capitalist class and everyone else.

The structural crisis of capitalism in its neoliberal form has created a legitimacy crisis for the Imperialist rulers, making the use of force a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance. With the mass upsurge of resistance to the genocide in Palestine, anti imperialist organizations like the Palestinian Youth Movement recognize that “we are in a moment of sharpened contradictions.”

General reaction to world events

We are living through a revival of internationalism and another extended moment of mass protest. Right now we are seeing an almost unprecedented uprising against Imperialism here in the U.S. Since October 7th people have shown up to mass protests and direct actions against weapons manufacturers. Organized groups have managed to mobilize more people, and joined forces with each other to form larger coalitions.

Mass protests and educational campaigns have helped spur a consciousness shift in people, further radicalizing folks who were previously doubtful, focused on single-issues or not politicized. There is an increased awareness of the links between the genocide in Gaza and labor struggles, between the Israeli occupation and the blockade on Cuba, between police brutality and Cop Cities, between military spending and the housing crisis. 

People are ready to take more or higher risks to fight against these oppressive systems at home, as a direct response to witnessing imperialist actions abroad. In other words, more of us are seeing how “the bombs in Vietnam [Gaza, Yemen, etc] explode at home.”

How we relate to those reactions and the way we see forward

U.S. companies like BAE Systems, General Dynamics, Hyundai, Eaton and Caterpillar are designing, producing and selling the weapons that are being used to massacre people, destroy hospitals and places of worship in Gaza and elsewhere right now. General Dynamics makes the 2,000lb “bunker buster” bombs used by the Israeli military, along with a wide variety of other weapons. BAE provides the Israeli military with components for combat aircraft, munitions, missile launching kits, and armored vehicles. MTU, Osh Gosh and Kuka are among the other weapons manufacturers that have direct ties to Israel. Many of them have offices right here in Sterling Heights in the Weapons Corridor. 

By targeting these companies we delay production and stop the labor and money funding U.S. backed imperialist projects abroad. For example the majority of ammunition that Israel uses is being manufactured in the U.S. Without this flow of weapons the genocide would not be possible. Disrupting the manufacturing chain is a real threat to the Imperialists, and we must exploit this vulnerability. Our job is to challenge the war machine here to divert aggression away from struggles on the frontier. Disruption is necessary.

We need to intensify our organizing efforts on all these fronts: mass work, political education and direct action. Without mass work there can be no sustained disruption, without education there is no concrete base to build on, and without disruption there is no material gain. The truth is we need both long term and short term organization. We need to build a mass movement big enough to overthrow the imperialist capitalist war machine. And we need wins – even the small ones to sustain us and our morale. Mobilization is not enough. We need to organize and combine efforts with other mass organizations and to change the narrative on the ideological battlefield. As revolutionaries we have a duty to move that needle further.

“Revolutionary history has shown time and again that superior organization can and will defeat superior resources, weaponry, and even numbers.”

hood communist

This is where we should focus our collective power. We must do it with determination, discipline and clarity.

The GDC says: 

Stop the Imperialist war machine! Organize! 

Check out: A U.S. map of all weapons manufacturers that make weapons sent to Israel

